Community Organizations

Photo Courtesy of Steve Baker

The Foundation

President: David Lake

The Foundation’s mission and purpose is to provide a philanthropic environment to support and facilitate the educational, cultural, religious and recreational activities of the historical district known as Thousand Island Park, while preserving its history, heritage and historical buildings.

Mailing Address

42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #236
Thousand Island Park, NY 13692


Phone: Corporation Office 1-315-482-2576


The Landmark Society

Co-Presidents: Jean Ris and Andy Greene
Vice President: Peggy Cleary

Thousand Island Park Landmark Society is a tax-exempt, charitable organization dedicated to preserving the historical and architectural resources of Thousand Island Park for our community, visitors, and future generations.

Mailing Address

42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #220
Thousand Island Park, NY 13692

The Library

Library Director: Jean Hinckley

The TI Park Library, in association with the North Country Library System and the TIP Corporation, is a tax-exempt, charitable organization dedicated to promoting literacy by providing current and historic resources complemented with age appropriate fine arts programs for residents, guests and future generations of readers, writers, listeners and speakers.

Mailing Address

42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #239
Thousand Island Park, NY 13692

The Tabernacle Association

Chair: Ellen Detlefsen

In addition to long-established worship services in the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle Community Association maintains a recreational program for T.I. Park residents, with daily sports and art activities, family social events, a weekly Information sheet, and the Chautauqua of the North lecture and concert series.

Mailing Address

PO Box 362
Wellesley Island NY 13640



Historical Association /

The Museum

President: Tom French

The Thousand Island Park Historical Association is a tax-exempt, charitable organization dedicated to preserving, protecting, and promoting the historic culture of Thousand Island Park and neighboring communities through research, collection maintenance, website, publications, educational programs, and community outreach. The TIPHA maintains a public display of pictures and artifacts in the Thousand Island Park Museum on the front porch of the Wellesley Hotel.

Mailing Address

42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #30
Thousand Island Park, NY 13692

The Yacht Club

The Thousand Island Park Yacht Club is a tax-exempt, charitable organization dedicated to promoting sailing and boating safety skills to the greater Thousand Island Park Area. The TIPYC offers Sailing Lessons for both Kids & Adults and sponsors several race days every summer.

Mailing Address

PO Box 714
Wellesley Island, NY 13640


Visit the Yacht Club Website

Tel: +1 ‪(315) 400-0361‬


Rock Ridges

President: Marie Vayo-Greenbaum

The Friends of the Rock Ridges Trail is a community volunteer 501(c)3 registered educational and charitable organization. We maintain the trail system, several historic trees and provide educational activities for people interested in learning more about the natural history of Thousand Island Park and Wellesley Island.

Click here to view Rock Ridges Nature Trail Map
Become a Member! Click here

Mailing Address
42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #198
Thousand Island Park, NY 13692



  • L’Atelier Art Inc
    Our name in English means, “the workshop”
    President: Nia Gillett

    Our mission is to give back to the TI Park community in the form of art – offering new art pieces and mediums, events and workshops, and a way for individuals to express themselves.

    Mailing Address:

    42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #60
    Thousand Island Park, NY 13692


    Phone: 1-585-282-2088
    Visit The L'Atelier Website:

  • Our mission is to give back to the TI Park community in the form of art – offering new art pieces and mediums, events and workshops, and a way for individuals to express themselves.

    Mailing Address:
    42822 St. Lawrence Ave, Unit #60
    Thousand Island Park, NY 13692


    Phone: 1-585-282-2088
    Visit The L'Atelier Website: